Thursday, 13 July 2017

Some more IM Civilians


If one is to recreate India in 1857-1859, I guess one is to have some civilians to people all the cities and villages of said country. These Eureka miniatures civilians are awesome if a bit more of slight build than the Foundry and Mutineer figures, but that is more realistic I suppose, with the Europeans being heavier in build anyway.

The first of these are a snake charmer and rope-act, more civilians are in the books but other projects take precedence.

More is surely coming, watch this space ;-)

Monday, 10 July 2017

Some Indian Mutiny Characters


The Indian Mutiny Project (henceforth called IM) continues. Here are some Foundry character models.

I like experimenting with the colours and patterns India has to offer. besides that these are great figures as well in their own right.

Cheers Sander