Yeah yeah, I know this post is way too late, but real life and stuff keeps happening to me.
Anyway here we go! As Arthur and myself were staying at a hotel we were really well on time to...take our place in the cue in front of the doors. French, Dutch, Flemish, English and German was all heard in the parkinglot.
After the opening of the doors, the professional way in which the people from TSOA managed to disperse the crowd was impressive.
Arthur decided we would pick up our pre-orders first, yet he got distracted by all the brilliant display tables right away. So in no particular order and without captions (sorry, I was trying to keep up with a 7 year old):
As usual Arthur took most of the pictures and thus some are a little unclear.
We met up with a lot of old friends, Johan, Hans and Martin, Good Ole Dave and Sir Roundwood himself. I missed out on friends like Paul and Stephan, but did meet up with new friends Sebastiaan and Karl whom I previously had only known from Facebook.
Dave and me...
Hans was there too, what a great moment to catch up.
Martin was kind enough to pose for a picture with the two of us (Hans took it, thanks mate).
We had a blast, the boy held out far longer than I would have guessed up front and indicated he would like to participate in some demos next year. Some more pictures of the great tables present.
Last year I had money left when leaving the building, not so now. I bought pretty much everything I wanted when planning the trip excepting new paint which now I need to order online.
More on my loot later, let's look at the stuff Arthur bought. As he plays a Fire Wizzard (pun intended) in HQ, he needed a fire elemental which he got as well as a "wall of flames". He also wanted some mounted Romans, we ordered them from Foundry, and ended up buying a Ford Falcon (Mad Max's Interceptor) and a few Warlord Scots with bagpipe for his ongoing " band-project". Man it's hard to find a blister with a lot of mixed muscicians.
My loot was a bit more as you can see:
The big box is a Mantic Terrain Crate set, produced for their Dungeon Saga game but very usuable for other Dungeon Crawlers and even for filling your regular wargames buildings with furniture. The big box includes four regular sets. Each set is €30,- and this one cost €60,- so yes you get two for free, well I did at least.
The HäT boxes are some Peninsular Brits for the Salamanca Project and WW1 cyclists both German and Belgian. The remainder are some Foundry odds and bits to fill out existing projects like Indian Mutiny casualties and the like. I also re-subscribed on WI and got a load of freebees to go along that.
The only new project started is a 80YW Dutch gang from the Assault Group. The first figures are already done, more on that in another post soonish.
Well that concludes it for me for this year's event. As said the boy and myself enjoyed this really a lot and will be going again next year.
See ya!