Let's get the Indian Mutiny ball rolling today! Now that the heat-wave over here is more or less over I have been able to finish some of the units I have been painting for this project. First are the Rebellious Sepoys I have painted up yet. There are some Foundry characters both Sepoy and Hill Tribesmen. The Sepoy unit in the background are Mutineer Miniatures Sepoys in distressed dress.
Next up is a unit of British regular infantry, at this moment I have not yet given it a regimental title and will use it as a vanilla unit, that said I might designate it later on.
While the troops are Mutineer Miniatures, the officer is from the Foundry pack. The Foundry and Mutineer figures mix very well, I have now also gotten some Iron Duke Miniatures figures and they don't mix in with the other brands. I'll just get on painting more stuff right?
Cheers Sander