Sunday, 27 January 2013

Odds and ends


While a steady drizzle is washing away the snow outside I tried to make some pictures of some loose ends lying around here on the workbench.

A while ago I bought some very nice Star Wars star fighters from Studio Bergstrom and have finished the A-Wings. I have also finished painting the X-wings but still have the basing to do.
Due to the bad weather I could not get any better pictures but more will follow soon.

I also finished this Dystopian Wars Mansion on an Amera Plastics hill. It can double as an island or hill with mansion on it.

More stuff will be updated when available.

Cheers Sander

Listening to: "The Empire Strikes Back" by John Williams


peter said...

That is some nice looking stuff Sander!


DeanM said...

Very cool space craft and terrain. Some of the local crew here are into X-Wing too. Best, Dean

Sander said...

Thanks gents!

@Dean: the fighters are not from the X-wing game they're from

Cheers Sander