Monday 13 June 2022

More Blood Bowl and the 600th post!


As you might have guessed from the title of this post, this is not a Challenge Entry rehash but a rather new and original post, featuring new photo's of figures not shown elsewhere earlier. 

As our Blood Bowl craze set off earlier this year, Roel asked me to paint up his Ogre team. He had a few wishes for me to adhere to, he wanted the team in purple (yeah I know) and covered in lots of tattoos. So I set to work and the pictures below show the results of my labours.

While I am not particularly fond of the "Ogre Kingdoms" background GW did for the last version of WFB, these did turn out rather well I think. One of the Ogres got left out of these pictures since I haven't finished painting him yet and I might actually show him to you later on.

Apart  from the above, this post also happens to be the 600th post for this blog, which is rather an accomplishment I gather! So I am off to have a toast to myself now,

Cheers Sander