The German Imperial Staff (all EMHAR excepting the officer in the helmet which is Revell) The chap in black leather coat shooting his pistol looks very much like the Crown Prince as depicted in Mollo's excellent book on WW1 Uniforms... The officer on the left is an adjutant/ staff officer for gaming purposes.
Stormtrooper company front and back view. This is a small but hard-hitting company.
Below is a front- and back view of two of my regular assault platoons. In the end I will have 2 companies, every company consisting of a command squad (1 officer and 4 troopers) with 3 platoons of 9 men each. The chap in purple helmet covered in pink flowers is a concession to my dearest Girlfriend ;-)
This is a metal Artillery Caisson (protze) by Fine Scale.
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