A long time nu update, this is due to the fact that real life sometimes creeps up on you and demands more of your attention and time then you want to spent on it. But hey, I guess that's life right?
That said, I did find a little time to finish up some more loose ends on the painting desk. Here's one of them: the HäT Brunswick Lancers.
They hail from a mixed boxset of Brunswick cavalry including 3 lancers and 9 hussars. I have painted up the 3 lancers of the set and combined them with a testshot figure from an earlier sprue to make this 4 man unit.
The uniforms came from this brilliant site.
Cheers Sander
Listening to: "Prison of Desire" by After Forever
Those look splendid! Love your bases too!
Ah, great looking unit which I've never seen before. Great painting and basing. Best, Dean
Wonderful looking lancers!
And very nice they are too!
Lovely work!
Gentlemen thanks for all the nice comments! I'll try to return your kindness on your respective blogs, have a nice weekend!
Really nice Sander! Can I resist getting some myself?!
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