Sunday, 18 August 2013

The Corsican Ogre


Many people I know, think I'm a big fan of Napoleon since I'm interested in the Napoleonic Wars: well I am NOT! I am a staunch Wellingtonian. That said I can not escape making a command stand for all of my Napoleonic Armies in time. Therefore I also need a stand depicting Napoleon and his staff, final stimulation to do just that was the release of the great Zvezda set of the French general staff. The set itself doesn't include a figure of Napoleon but I had an Italeri spare figure lying around. Here are the pictures I took from the completed stand.

Front view:

Side views:

back view:

The uniform the Emperor wears here is not that spectacular since it's mostly covered by his greatcoat, but it's the Grenadier's of the Guard Colonel's coat I tried to depict.

Some close ups:

My camera died on me and ever since I have been using my wife's camera. Somehow all the pics I take with it end up over exposed, can't seem to find the right settings.

Well I am overjoyed this monstrous little project is finished and in the showcase, on to the next one!

Cheers Sander

Listening to: "Ghostboy" by Gabriel Rios


Mr Grant said...

Very, very nice Sander! Great hat!

The Angry Lurker said...

I think it's quite beautiful, nicely done Sander/

Unknown said...

It looks smashing. The only thing I don't like about Napoleonic s is the bickering on forums.

Ben Gilmour said...

Lovely work, Sander! Is the Old Guard officer a head conversion?

Paulalba said...

That's your big cheese ticket off, well done!!!

I still have him staring at me from my lead pile!

Phil said...

Well done with this stand!

Sander said...

thanks for all the kind words! At mr Rosbif: the grenadier officer is indeed a conversion, the body is from Italeri and the head is from Zvezda.

Lou said...

Sorry I did not see this sooner. Excellent!